Past 222210 LockDown 6 Gun Handgun Rack Black

product code:222210



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availability: 41 Available in Warehouse


This vinyl-coated metal handgun rack holds up to 6 guns. Extremely handy for use in your gun vault or at the shooting range to provide a safe place to rest pistols and revolvers. The individual channels are specially designed to cradle the grip and barrel of the gun and are wide enough to accommodate most wide body pistols or magnum revolvers.

Description Gun Rack
Type of Bag N/A
Prefilled-Empty None
Type of Feet Rubber
Cradle Blocks Vinyl-Coated
Material Metal
Vertical Adjustment None
Lockable Position
Adaptor Type Gun Rack
Dimensions 14.25" W x 5.25" H x 6.5" D
Attachment Type
Yoke Type
No. of Legs 4

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